Monday, April 11, 2005

Between a Man and his Object

I was watching the news this morning, and a priestly gentleman summed up the Bible's role in modern society quite eloquently. In his word, "the bible's role as a guideline for modern marriage is completely wrong."

He went on to cite, that in biblical times, the "Union between a man and woman," that conservatives seem bent on preserving didn't exist. Women weren't seen as people, but rather as objects, to be bartered for dowry, etc. We have come great strides since then (or committed great blashphemy, depending on how you look at it), women are now not only people, but they are expected to be treated equally to men.

And now the Canadian government is poised to redefine marriage to include same-sex marriage. This must be a double-entendre for hardline conservatives, since the "traditional" definition of marriage has already been long gone. Now, not only are they getting rid of opposite-gender-only marriage, they might even toss men out of their "traditional" position as lords and masters of the matrimony. That must really bite for those who were hoping to cling to the last vestige of masculine power over the household.

Newsflash: Get with the times guys. If you're looking to "protect" the "tradition," at least try to learn what it is that you are protecting. Before now, there was no legislation in Canada that said it was illegal for two men, or two women to get married. Some people just took it upon themselves to judge whether or not two homosexuals ought to be married... so in a sense, the tradition that people are trying to protect is only as old as the same-sex marriage debate.

On a similar note, if the Liberals get kicked out of power, and the Conservatives take the helm and "protect the tradition," I'm going ask if the Conservative Party will be putting their children up for sale any time soon. They likely won't know what I'm talking about, which is exactly the problem.

On a side note, there's a bishop in Calgary who's been publicizing that Canada should control homosexuals because they "erode the fundamentals of family life."
He doesn't believe that's a hateful claim, and believes he's protected by Freedom of Speech in Canada. Honestly, that's slander, and if I called him a "pasty Nazi Bigot," like some protesters did, that would likely land me a hefty fine. However, I'm more than content to leave him be. Unlike many "devout" Christians, I believe that everyone will get what's coming to them, whether it be good or bad.

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