Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Climate Change

Here in Calgary, climate change is a way of life. I'm not talking about global warming, but rather the fact that we went from a balmy 20ºC, to a chilly 3ºC. Sunny skies have been consumed wholesale by skittering grey clouds and blustery winds. What happened? The Jetstream swung south, bringing with it a deep low pressure centre, and a shitload of cold air, delivered straight from the arctic.

I'm just trying to think if there's any important anniversaries coming up. So far, I'm drawing a blank. Having just finished my classes for the summer, I've been looking for something to celebrate, but alas. I'll be sitting in my basement, drinking wine like it was water, and laughing until I cry. Why? Because I've got nothing to celebrate.

Maybe I'll go look for a job, or call up my old High School. They might want me to come in and lecture for a few classes.

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