Saturday, April 09, 2005

Bad Day?

I wish. Week 3 of the hell saga, rolling on through like some kind of steamroller. I've had good news, but it's nothing compared to the bad. Largely, I've spend the last 12 or so hours, cooped up inside my house. I want to get out, but there's no place to go, and nothing to do. On top of that, everything in its ambiance seems to be working against me. I went out to ride my bike, and got frustrated after about an hour. In the park by my house, it's a headwind, both ways. Damnable valley draws air down it's sides and in, creating a very annoying 360 degree wind that never gusts, never blows, it's just a constant, resisting force to everything in the valley.

All my college buddies are out boosting their egos with booze and nooky, I can understand some of the frustration with the male gender by how they behave, but the ladies seem to like it so I'll keep quiet... at least until their bragging grates me the wrong way... again.

Matt Good apparently had a wrench thrown at one of his band members during his performance, nigh 24 hours ago, and he somehow thinks that it's this generations fault. Well, it is, and I'm sure if he ever met me in person he'd think back to that Day of the Wrench, even though I was neither there, nor in the possession of any wrenches, or wrench-like objects. I enjoy his music and his commentary on US foreign policy. Honestly, if it wasn't for Mr. Good, I wouldn't likely be so into Canadian music, or any music for that matter. However, he, like everyone else who seems to out-age me by at least 10 years, seems to like painting everyone my age, hell, everyone in my generation with the same brush.

We aren't all beer swilling, tool-box-toting, foul-mouthing, moshing, idiots. I don't even like the taste of beer. I have never used a wrench on anything except nuts and bolts. I swear, but in moderation, I've never moshed, and I swear on my honour that I'm educated.

Not that Good has ever pointed at me specifically and said "You there, from Generation X-Box," but his recent comments from the concert seem to hit me on a personal level, and it hurts. Probably not as much as a wrench, but it hurts. I've grown up having to deal with the stigma of being a teen, and it shows that even somebody who's fighting music and word to bloodshed and tyranny isn't immune to the tendency to paint with a wide brush.

So I guess I understand why it irks him that his media protrayal is misrepresented as an "asshole". Same problem, different crowd.

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