Friday, March 02, 2007

Burn these words


What can we get without having to give in return? Who can we dupe to take the fall for us, so we can wade through shitsville and come out smelling like a rose?


What are lives, if only pawns for the agenda? Living in the first world becomes almost counter-productive. Humankind was built to struggle for its existence. Just look around. When there aren't enough problems to contend with every day, the children go out and make their own, manufactured so that, for a while anyway, they don't feel completely useless. They feel like they've got a cause, something to fight against. A reason for living.


What's the first casualty to our ambitions? Unlike the poets' words, Love is always the first to go. Long-married couples need only a single moment... and single instance, and everything they've shared is moot. A couple on opposite sides of the fence cannot find a way to be together, for they will surely be called traitors and stoned to death.


How much is your blood, sweat, and tears worth to you? Because it is worth nothing to those around you. You are a statistic, a nameless face, and even at times, the enemy. You are competition that needs to be put aside, you are merely a foe who hasn't declared war yet.


Everything you have, you'd give away in an instant for something better. Everything you worked for is nothing in the face of a moment of instant gratification. There is no patience, there is no restraint.

There's only sacrifice.

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