Saturday, March 03, 2007

Oogiliah Blues

Well, I'm sitting in the office, wondering why I'm sitting in the office. I'd rather be going nuts on some ivory right now (that means playing piano, folks), but here I am, damn my initiative for trying to get things done early.

I recorded a little something last night, which should've already found its way into the appropriate inboxes. Trust me when I say it sounds about a billion times worse recorded than it did when I was actually playing it. Also, if you're wondering what I'm saying before the music starts:
"You know, back in the day, someone told me I couldn't play music to save my life."
"Okay. For real this time."

Damn, it's nice outside today. Why do I always get the nice weekends to work, and when I want good weather to drive home, it's always crummy?


Trevor said...

Ill download it tonite, and have a listen.

By the way i started a special folder on my computer called Geoffs tunes, so keep them coming.

I'll have to show you how to change the tags on them so they can show up on playlists and what not.

E said...

Can I hear it?

Trevor said...

Good stuff, i liked the echo delay effect. You should write some piano work to go along with that, then it would be unstoppable!!!

Stephanie said...

I wanna heeeeeeaaaar :(

Geoff said...

Hey E, I tried e-mailing a copy to you, but your old g-mail account doesn't exist anymore. Fire me an e-mail and I'll try to get something over.

Piano work, yeah! When I can afford something besides alpo dinners and lysol, I'll definitely think about getting a piano or something! Or I'll just get my piano from home (if my parents are ever willing to give it up).