Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hit me again, I must be sleeping

I'm back in my home city for a brief weekend off. It always seems I have a lot of stuff to do while I'm here. Passport paperwork and photo tommorrow, and a check in with my masochistic dentist on Monday.

It's strange that I should, only now, be getting a passport. I wanted one two summers ago, when the ambition to travel was full in me. My parents got on my case about having limited funds and unlimited ambitions, and how that would inevitably put me in dire financial straits. They essentially told me that I needed a job to ensure that, when I did go travelling, there would be money left in the bank for when I get home.

Naturally, in the process of getting a job, acclimating to that job, and adjusting to the way of life, I've now spent every penny I had saved up for travelling. In the process of attempting to make money, I've actually lost my savings. Remind me again. Wake me please. Why am I losing money to work? Isn't it supposed to go the other way around?

So now, my parents are distraught that I didn't travel. I didn't even bring it up. Why would I, when every second word, two summers ago, ran into a sentence along the lines of, "did you apply."

Yes, mum. I applied. Now I'm watching as my hopes and dreams for my young adult life are being flushed away because you wouldn't let me take that risk that I was desperate to take. Nobody really listened when I voiced my concerns that this job isn't something I can just hop into and have a better living. Not a damn one. I knew what was going to happen, but everyone had it in their heads that by working, I'd be making money. That by working, I'd somehow be working towards the realization of my dreams, when I've known all along that they are lying at polar opposites from each other.

Guess the joke's on me. I'd say I'll know better for next time, but guess what kids?
There is no fucking next time.


Tracy said...

Awwww I'm sorry your parents were so unsupportive of travelling. I must say that is one thing my parents are not. They love travelling and see it as extremely important in personal growth. I wish I'd done it more before I settled down. Hope you get that passport started :) it's the first step.

Stephanie said...

I don't know how long it took, probably at least a couple of years, but you could always quit th paper, move home and try to get a job in Calgary so your bills aren't so wholly consuming of your paycheck. Not an appealing idea, I know.

I don't know where it is that people get the idea that working = making a profit beyond the cost of living. At least with what seems to be most starting-salaries.

I'm not trying to sound like a know-it-all. I just can't help but be painfully aware, and painfully disturbed that so many of our peers are so misled.

E said...

So how was the weekend?

I completely agree, btw. I had so many student loans that I took jobs that weren't my dream/weren't where I really saw myself because the alternative would have put me in default. Working does not equal prosperity. Not these days.

Trevor said...

See thats a mistake right there, everyone i mean everyone should take a year off after highschool and do some traveling.

I wanted to, but like you i have parents that pushed going to school and making something of yourself first. Which is all fine and dandy but as you progress in the world the more money you need to keep going.

I've come to the realization, if you want to do it bad enough, say fuck the norm and do it!

People worry to much. Travel while your young, you dont have dependants, house payments, car payments etc.

Working is dull, especially if all you go to work for is payments, shite... so is life.