Monday, February 26, 2007

Your hair is clogging my razor

So, it's been a busy weekend for me, despite having it off. Probably the most noticeable casualty of my time off is my hair. Or, what's left of it.

I got it trimmed pretty short, seemings as spring is coming up, and it would not do to go into the season looking like an unkempt Himalayan yeti.

In any event, another bit of news. My paladin is back under my control, but moving him from my brother's account caused him to lose his guild status, so if someone could fix that up, that'd be great.

We have to go roll some more horde. We must.


Tracy said...

Can't wait to see the new haircut! I haven't had time to play in a bit...probably won't again until after the move. I'm only getting lite speed at my new place so I hope it still works good on that. But then D manages on dial up....

Stephanie said...

Haircut picture request!!

Trevor said...

haha good job, short hair is good. zero maintenance.