Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What's the Militia Drinking?

Courtesy Canada.com, home to the Calgary Herald, et al.

You bet. Too bad they didn't get a photo credit on this picture. That's a fine example of finding a shot out of ordinary day-to-day stuff (in Somalia in this case).
Cause you know, hauling that RPG around all day is tiring and thirsty work. There when you need it, an ice-cold Coca Cola.

Ach, mein thirsten!


Stephanie said...

Ha, I love that picture.

apples said...

Iraq, Somalia, wherever.

The Americans 1) "help". 2) realize they've made a huuge mistake. 3) bomb the hell outta them.

At least it's an easy recipe to remember.

Geoff said...

Yeah. I was rather taken aback when I read the headlines saying "American's hit al Qaeda. In Somalia."

I had to do a double take because my brain automatically read "Iraq."

Trevor said...

The caption should read

"Coke the Beverage of Choice for Terrorist's, Hate Mongers, War Mongers, Death Machine's and huge black guys that could most likely kick my ass holding heavy Artillery"

They're bombing Somalia now.....

Geoff said...

Actually, the caption would just read:

Coke, the beverage of choice of just about anyone, anywhere, for any reason.

Yeah, they're bombing Somalia. They'll bomb anywhere that they think al Qaeda is. It raises a lot of questions, not the foremost is "What justification did they use to invade Somalia?"

Oh wait. They didn't. They just got Ethiopia to do it.

Stephanie said...

Need I remind everyone?

Ruling out the caaaaps melting, meteors becoming craaashed into us, the ozone layer leaving, and the sun exploding, we are definitely going to blow ourselves up.

D. said...

that is awesome.

Trevor said...

Man I'd kill for a coke right about now!