Friday, January 05, 2007

Long. Like a fairytale.

Well, I've done it again. I've got bored, and I've recorded something that I put together while jamming. It's not very good (nothing I do ever is, hurr), but I'll send it along if you're interested.

Problem with this one... it's almost nine minutes long. That's right. 8:56 to be exact. Yeah, I was a little bored, and the only person I had for company I was trying desperately to ignore. So.

Anyway. I have a raw copy and a processed copy. Feel free to ask for one another, but if you're on dial up, prepare to have your modem slain as a result.

Now that I think of it. It's a lot like one of my previous little tunes. Only, it doesn't suck, and it's nine minutes long.

Anyway, if I'm going to cover sports tonight, I'm going to need to eat. So, off I go.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'd like to hear it! You know the email :)