So, I went with Trevor, Ryan, and Tracy last night to see Smokin' Aces, a movie that I didn't even know existed, let alone had I fathomed to whether or not I would like it.
It was a decent movie, steeped in action, malicious hitman antics, and copious amounts of gore. The story plot was decent up until the twist, which basically took all the wind out of the sails of an otherwise decent movie. I was expecting half of what became the "twist" of the movie, but really, it made the entire plot up to that point in the movie a ruse, a misunderstanding.
After seeing it once, I don't think I can see it again. The good parts of the movie are pretty much one-trick ponies, and the bad parts... were really bad.
In any event, we were saddened that D couldn't join us. I mean, we were going to bust some heads, but didn't, because it wasn't the same without you.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
All's Silent within Me
The wellspring of my creativity, the river current from which I fish a bounty of thoughtful, and thought-provoking ideas, seems to have dried.
It's fickle now. Where it was once a raging torrent that I could barely contain, it's now only a trickle, sometime's heartened by a season's flirtatious thaw. Even then, as I try to wring something from it, it flutters and find itself frightened away by reality. The assault on my abilities, the lack of faith in me. The ideas recoil from this, leaving me numb. Safe, but numb.
I attempted to write today, and nearly panicked when I put my pen to paper, and nothing came forward. In the past, it was almost automation. The words were already there, I just had to make them real.
Now. There's nothing. When I close my eyes and clear my head, it feels as though there is a giant wad of cotten where once there was a great hall of resounding and rebounding thought.
It's all silent now. No great, terrible, wonderful thoughts come from me anymore.
I think it'll only be a few years before I'm so well adjusted as a person that you would not be able to identify me from the common sheep.
Good Lord, what has happened to me? And will I ever be the same again?
It's fickle now. Where it was once a raging torrent that I could barely contain, it's now only a trickle, sometime's heartened by a season's flirtatious thaw. Even then, as I try to wring something from it, it flutters and find itself frightened away by reality. The assault on my abilities, the lack of faith in me. The ideas recoil from this, leaving me numb. Safe, but numb.
I attempted to write today, and nearly panicked when I put my pen to paper, and nothing came forward. In the past, it was almost automation. The words were already there, I just had to make them real.
Now. There's nothing. When I close my eyes and clear my head, it feels as though there is a giant wad of cotten where once there was a great hall of resounding and rebounding thought.
It's all silent now. No great, terrible, wonderful thoughts come from me anymore.
I think it'll only be a few years before I'm so well adjusted as a person that you would not be able to identify me from the common sheep.
Good Lord, what has happened to me? And will I ever be the same again?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The finest roast in the known lands
I cooked for dinner perhaps the finest rib roast ever to grace this long forgotten corner of the universe.
Other than that, I really don't have much else to report, other than this week has been the embodiment of stress.
And I desperately need a reprieve. Or perhaps, all things considered, an alternative to the grinding gears, the constant writers block, and the nagging desire to get drunk all the time. This great roast I made seems to be a good band-aid for the time being, and maybe a good night's sleep tonight will help.
But frankly, if this is "real life," who the fuck told me to get prepared for it? Because really, it's nothing like what those cunts said it would be like. The playground's bigger and the kids are meaner, and some of the more wily ones have found legal ways of stealing your money, but otherwise, it's elementary all over again.
Except for the fact that I'm never sure if there's going to be a home to return to until I actually get there.
Other than that, I really don't have much else to report, other than this week has been the embodiment of stress.
And I desperately need a reprieve. Or perhaps, all things considered, an alternative to the grinding gears, the constant writers block, and the nagging desire to get drunk all the time. This great roast I made seems to be a good band-aid for the time being, and maybe a good night's sleep tonight will help.
But frankly, if this is "real life," who the fuck told me to get prepared for it? Because really, it's nothing like what those cunts said it would be like. The playground's bigger and the kids are meaner, and some of the more wily ones have found legal ways of stealing your money, but otherwise, it's elementary all over again.
Except for the fact that I'm never sure if there's going to be a home to return to until I actually get there.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Nero said I looked like a loser
Well, I have a bad feeling about this week. About this month even. I don't know what happened. 2007 started off so well.
It might just be my pessimism bone acting up again, who knows, but I've got a feeling like something bad is going to happen, and it's going to be soon.
I might go bankrupt in the new year, who knows? The insurance for my new vehicle is astronomical (or, mortgagnomical, as my boss said). I also need to find a new apartment to rent, and like everything in this god-forsaken economy, they aren't getting any cheaper. Even if I do rent, monthly rents around here go up quite often... every month or so. So I'm pretty much fucked. I hope there can be a happy ending to this little financial predicament (and by that, I mean not having to resort to credit to pay for goddamn food).
It might just be that I'll have to go back to the city and start over. See, I wanted this job to raise funds so I could go back to school, and now it's looking like it may have the opposite effect.
Yarg. I hate you, booming white-hot economy, for fucking the middle and lower classes. At the same time. With sand-paper dowels.
It might just be my pessimism bone acting up again, who knows, but I've got a feeling like something bad is going to happen, and it's going to be soon.
I might go bankrupt in the new year, who knows? The insurance for my new vehicle is astronomical (or, mortgagnomical, as my boss said). I also need to find a new apartment to rent, and like everything in this god-forsaken economy, they aren't getting any cheaper. Even if I do rent, monthly rents around here go up quite often... every month or so. So I'm pretty much fucked. I hope there can be a happy ending to this little financial predicament (and by that, I mean not having to resort to credit to pay for goddamn food).
It might just be that I'll have to go back to the city and start over. See, I wanted this job to raise funds so I could go back to school, and now it's looking like it may have the opposite effect.
Yarg. I hate you, booming white-hot economy, for fucking the middle and lower classes. At the same time. With sand-paper dowels.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Well, I'm kissing a good chunk of my savings goodbye, but the brown beast wasn't cutting it on the highways anymore.
My brother's girlfriend was selling a grand cherokee, and I'm picking it up for a (relatively) good price. I have yet to see how it fares on the open highway, but from what I saw of it today, it's an alright vehicle.
Kind of handles like a tank though.
In any event, what's the word? Any plans for monday?
My brother's girlfriend was selling a grand cherokee, and I'm picking it up for a (relatively) good price. I have yet to see how it fares on the open highway, but from what I saw of it today, it's an alright vehicle.
Kind of handles like a tank though.
In any event, what's the word? Any plans for monday?
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
What's the Militia Drinking?

Courtesy, home to the Calgary Herald, et al.
You bet. Too bad they didn't get a photo credit on this picture. That's a fine example of finding a shot out of ordinary day-to-day stuff (in Somalia in this case).
Cause you know, hauling that RPG around all day is tiring and thirsty work. There when you need it, an ice-cold Coca Cola.
Ach, mein thirsten!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Death and Doom inc.
Well, this week hasn't been so bad. In fact, things are returning to normal. Whatever the fuck that is.
Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to say right now. Hence the large silence since my last post. I know, huge tragedy.
There is something I wanted to bring up though, and that's my distinct lack of pictures over the last little while. I'll look to rectify that, but I do require some free time. A rare currency that I seem to have wasted prior to October.
In any event, cats and wiis, together at last.
Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to say right now. Hence the large silence since my last post. I know, huge tragedy.
There is something I wanted to bring up though, and that's my distinct lack of pictures over the last little while. I'll look to rectify that, but I do require some free time. A rare currency that I seem to have wasted prior to October.
In any event, cats and wiis, together at last.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Long. Like a fairytale.
Well, I've done it again. I've got bored, and I've recorded something that I put together while jamming. It's not very good (nothing I do ever is, hurr), but I'll send it along if you're interested.
Problem with this one... it's almost nine minutes long. That's right. 8:56 to be exact. Yeah, I was a little bored, and the only person I had for company I was trying desperately to ignore. So.
Anyway. I have a raw copy and a processed copy. Feel free to ask for one another, but if you're on dial up, prepare to have your modem slain as a result.
Now that I think of it. It's a lot like one of my previous little tunes. Only, it doesn't suck, and it's nine minutes long.
Anyway, if I'm going to cover sports tonight, I'm going to need to eat. So, off I go.
Problem with this one... it's almost nine minutes long. That's right. 8:56 to be exact. Yeah, I was a little bored, and the only person I had for company I was trying desperately to ignore. So.
Anyway. I have a raw copy and a processed copy. Feel free to ask for one another, but if you're on dial up, prepare to have your modem slain as a result.
Now that I think of it. It's a lot like one of my previous little tunes. Only, it doesn't suck, and it's nine minutes long.
Anyway, if I'm going to cover sports tonight, I'm going to need to eat. So, off I go.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
While waters melt
It's going to be another biting week. I can just feel it. I hate this feeling, of being at the mercy of other people's whims. How am I supposed to get anything done if I waste most of my day waiting around for a telephone call that I know, at the back of my mind, probably won't come?
Hm, sounds like an analogy of my life. Being told to sit and wait my turn, and like a dumb turd, I do as I'm told. Of course, everyone knows that waiting for your boat means you'll miss it.
I'm just thinking... how many times have I been preoccupied with pointless bullshit that's on somebody else's agenda, when something I really want has come and gone? How many times have I been on guard when I should have been on board?
Where would I be if I had been?
Hm, sounds like an analogy of my life. Being told to sit and wait my turn, and like a dumb turd, I do as I'm told. Of course, everyone knows that waiting for your boat means you'll miss it.
I'm just thinking... how many times have I been preoccupied with pointless bullshit that's on somebody else's agenda, when something I really want has come and gone? How many times have I been on guard when I should have been on board?
Where would I be if I had been?
Monday, January 01, 2007
356 Days of 2006
I normally do some kind of cheesy "Tucked into the Annals of History" statement at this time. But seemings as I wasn't left all by my lonesome this year for New Years, I decided to scrap the usual shit.
It felt... well, I almost don't dare say it, but it felt good being with friends this year to ring in the New Year. I'm not talking the friends I have that freeload. These were people I care about, and we all managed to get together for some drinks... hah. Who am I kidding? We got together for a lot of drinks, and we rang in the New Year. Compared to years past, I can't imagine a better omen for what's to come. Good company, followed by unseasonably nice weather for my drive back to Drayton Valley. My trip couldn't have been more different than the white-knuckled experience I had coming down to Calgary.
Looking back though, 2006 was a pretty craptastic year. I graduated from a college program that, by the end, I was questioning my entire reason for entering it. I spent the summer in a futile job hunt when I could've been traveling the world. I broke a few promises, and left a lot of people behind, and made an ass of myself a couple of times. Sometimes for fun. More often not.
I got over a few things too. Finally found some semblance of peace and closure from bullshit that's been chasing me since the summer of 2004. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised it's taken me this long to get my head back on straight, but really, who can judge? Some people are still out there with pate crammed to plexus. I'm just glad I'm not one of them.
I've also met some people that I thought I'd never get the chance to. Not to jinx it or anything, but I'm hoping we all live to 2008, because you all are such swell people. Even if you do smother kittens and then eat them.
Well, anyway. That's all the sap I can manage without bursting an artery. I think the booze is starting to wear off too, so I must be off. Hope you all had a decent New Years celebration, with or sans booze.
My new years resolution this year, for what little it's worth saying it here:
Never be late for work again.
It felt... well, I almost don't dare say it, but it felt good being with friends this year to ring in the New Year. I'm not talking the friends I have that freeload. These were people I care about, and we all managed to get together for some drinks... hah. Who am I kidding? We got together for a lot of drinks, and we rang in the New Year. Compared to years past, I can't imagine a better omen for what's to come. Good company, followed by unseasonably nice weather for my drive back to Drayton Valley. My trip couldn't have been more different than the white-knuckled experience I had coming down to Calgary.
Looking back though, 2006 was a pretty craptastic year. I graduated from a college program that, by the end, I was questioning my entire reason for entering it. I spent the summer in a futile job hunt when I could've been traveling the world. I broke a few promises, and left a lot of people behind, and made an ass of myself a couple of times. Sometimes for fun. More often not.
I got over a few things too. Finally found some semblance of peace and closure from bullshit that's been chasing me since the summer of 2004. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised it's taken me this long to get my head back on straight, but really, who can judge? Some people are still out there with pate crammed to plexus. I'm just glad I'm not one of them.
I've also met some people that I thought I'd never get the chance to. Not to jinx it or anything, but I'm hoping we all live to 2008, because you all are such swell people. Even if you do smother kittens and then eat them.
Well, anyway. That's all the sap I can manage without bursting an artery. I think the booze is starting to wear off too, so I must be off. Hope you all had a decent New Years celebration, with or sans booze.
My new years resolution this year, for what little it's worth saying it here:
Never be late for work again.
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