Sunday, October 22, 2006

Working, Stiff

I'll be leaving the city again tommorrow morning, and in doing so, I'll be leaving behind my only reliable internet connection. I just wanted to let everyone know that, when internet is restored, I will have pictures and stories to share. But I know all you really want is the pictures, so not to disappoint, they shall be the first things I post.

In the meantime, I'm still fighting a cold, and I've discovered the only beer known to man that has defeated me.
It goes by the name of Weisbeir. And it, along with low-tolerance food, rendered my liver helpless last night.

God help you Ryan, if you should ever get your hands on that stuff. Just the smell of it still makes my stomach churn.


Stephanie said...

haha..that must be some pretty nasty beer.

Geoff said...

Actually, it was very tasty. The problem with it stems from the fact that the light beer was kicking about an 8-10% alcohol content, and the dark... the dark was probably brushing the underside of 20%.

Ever had a pint of wine? No? Good. Because it would've felt about the same.