Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's been one of those days

I feel like a piece of shit. And I'm not saying that just for effect.
I'm tired, but it seems eight hours a night just isn't enough. I almost miss the insomniac nights, followed by a 12 hour sleep marathon where I'd just snooze the daylight hours away.

On top of that, I feel that I'm a humanely human piece of shit. Reasoning behind it? I don't know. But it feels like I can't open my mouth without somebody trying to reach down my throat and ripping out whatever is making that noise that issues from me.

Oh well. It never said in the job description that I'd be popular. At least my corn dog was cooked this time.

'Cause you know, half-cooked corndogs are the fucking worst.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to throw you a party, next week.

Geoff said...

It's good to see you're still alive.
Party? I like parties.