Saturday, October 28, 2006

Strange Week

Internet has been restored to my residence, for the time being at least. So I can once again shoot the shit and ramble on as I once did without fear of reprisal.

First on my agenda of things to mention is the Miniseries "Band of Brothers." I picked it up the other day at Wal-Mart, at the insistence of one of my friends back in Calgary. We're both pretty avid Company of Heroes players, and it only made sense to get the series that Relic claimed as inspiration for their (and in my opinion, one of the only true) WWII game.

Hot damn was it good. Brutal at times. Comical at others. But holy hell, it's a good series. Every episode is shown from the perspective of a different member of the 101st Airborne's "Easy" Company. Pretty heavy stuff, but well worth the 60 bucks I dropped on it.

Since World War II, I'm kind of disgusted that war's become a tool of politicians again. An overused trowel of militant foreign policy, where instead of bartering and co-operation, nations are telling each other what to do at knife point. I don't remember the philosopher, but he said that ruthless deeds erode the conscience, so the more they are done, the easier they become to commit.

I wonder what battered and frightened spectre the conscience of the American congress is then? And Russia's for that matter? Israel? Hamas? Do we have a bunch of heart-dead megalomaniacal tyrants running loose in the world?

Just watch the damn movie, Geoff.

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