Monday, October 09, 2006

Who's up for Chicken Fingers?

Well, it was a fun night. I'll skip the shit and say that hanging with D, Trevor, and Ryan was the shit. While the movie was kind of ho-hum/needless dismemberment/TnA flappin' in the wind, it was still nice to get out with some people other than the newspaper staff and just chill for a while.

To answer your question Trevor, yeah, West Ed is pretty fucking spectacular. I don't know where that rant about my shit came from, but it was pretty spectacular too. Must've been almost ten inches long, goddamnit. Not every day you drop a log like that.

In any event, I'll be incommunicado in person for a while guys, but get in touch the weekend of Ryan's B-Day and I'll see if I can make a swing out there.

And Ryan, you motherfucker, lay off the motherfucking cigarettes! They smell like shit! And as a result, I smell like shit!



Trevor said...

"To answer your question Trevor, yeah, West Ed is pretty fucking spectacular. I don't know where that rant about my shit came from, but it was pretty spectacular too. Must've been almost ten inches long, goddamnit. Not every day you drop a log like that."

hahahha classic, Also I was being sarcastic, its the purest example of overpriced consumerism bullshit, the only good use for it is the theatre and HMV, the rest of the mall is for the retarded people who call themselves urban and follow trends.

Ryan quit smoking.... maybe but someone’s going to have to kick the shit out him every time he has a craving. Which is what every 3min. I’m up to the task.

Also keep an eye on your email, none of use phones unless we have absolutely have to.

D. said...

Yeah. Good times I say!

Stephanie said...

I wouldn't mind making a trip to West Ed! It's been a long time! But I wouldn't force any of you guys (except Dan, maybe) to go with me. I could probably spend the WHOLE day there. 10 AM to 9 PM (if those are the house of the place).