Thursday, August 17, 2006

Strange Happenings


I won't be home tommorrow. I got a call from the fine folks over in Vulcan for a job interview. So I spent this evening dusting off my portfolio, and checking to make sure my printed resumés were up to date. Not that anything has changed in the last three months, but you know. It never hurts to check.

My instincts are telling me that it probably won't result in me getting the job, but it's a good start, as the position I was pining for in Olds is coming available soon too. Maybe it's a collective shift. Everyone's moving. Why shouldn't I join the trend?

In other news, I've been pretty bored the last few days. I don't know why. I've even bothered to get out of the house on a couple occassions (false alarms, I think), but I just feel I should be doing something that I'm not, and I can't quite put a finger on what it is. Oh well. Can't possible be worse than a fax on national security, sitting unanswered on some godforsaken corner of my desk.

I promised myself I'd go for a drive. Tommorrow is my chance. I'm going to take the camera, and I'm also going to pick up some beef jerky. Yep, right from the source. Longview Alberta.

Tack on an extra hour and a half of drive time. Oh yes... I'm gonna have to upload some more tunes to my player before I leave. Hopefully there'll be something worth seeing while I'm on the road.

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