Friday, August 11, 2006


We got hit by more rain today. Cold rain, miserable stuff that usually falls during the autumn. It was about 8 degrees outside as I was driving home. It was refreshing and terrible at the same time. I'm sitting here, and everytime I reach for a "p" or a "q," my fingers give a twisted little crack, because the poor joints are just frozen.

This Friday, the family is leaving for the family reunion. I'm probably not going to go until Saturday, because I want to wait and see if any of my late applications call back. I doubt they will, but it's worth waiting around for anyway. I'd really like to be able to tell my extended family that I'm going somewhere, and that I'm accomplishing something. But alas, the only thing I'm doing right now is sinking into a steady apathetic depression. Whatever.

I'm not even sure I want to see my extended family. I don't know how many of them will recognize me from last year. Times have changed, and I certainly have too, and despite the gossip ring that my mom keeps up throughout the year, most of my aunts and uncles still haven't the faintest clue who I am, or to whom "I belong to." Fine by me. Just stop calling me Chris. Please.

Old story. Anyway, September is fast approaching. I don't know what I'm going to do when it gets here. It will be the first time in my entire life where the fall is coming and I haven't enrolled in anything. I don't have the funds for university, and I don't particularly want to work any of the grind jobs I've already spent all too much time working at.

Mm. Reading back on this, I'm realizing a bit what I've been meaning to say.

I haven't got shit.

Goodnight, and regards to the pretty girls.
They will likely find these words hollow and meaningless.


Stephanie said...

Farah and I collectively tell you, they are not hollow and meaningless, they are just.. :(

I am e-hugging you right now. Even if you don't want it!

D. said...

pretty girls ARE hollow and meaningless.



Stephanie said...

B..but you call me...
