Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oh my Head

There's a change in the weather coming. I can feel it. I can feel it in all four of my cavernous sinuses. Either that or I've got the mother of all infections brewing. If I do, I hope its something lethal. I hate these fucking headaches that make my face feel like a tumor.

In any other news worth your two minutes of attention, I don't think they're calling back. In fact, my precognitive intuition tells me they won't. This is not me being pessimistic. This is me stating my gut feeling. My reason for thinking so? It's summer. That's rush time for all the college and university grads. We're all squabbling for career jobs, and in the media fields, there just aren't enough to go around. That, and all my supposed experience really doesn't amount to much. I know what I can do, but sadly, experience is measured in years, not clippings.

Meanwhile, I'm heading for the ultimate in stagnation. Somebody come and punch me if I become that lazy slob that just sits in the basement playing WoW all day. Please. There's a person and a place for that, but I am and have neither, so I must not start down that path.

I still haven't L&M's yet. Sorry Trevor. I've worked out some basic piano parts, but I can't really do much with it at this point, especially now that my parents have gotten back home, and they're using my piano as a catch-all while they're reorganizing the house. That, and I can't play guitar because every room has a fucking TV on at all times.

Fuck. It's any wonder how I can live in this house, and still hardly ever catch what's on the tube.

Send my regards to the world. I'm sure the answer will be lukewarm.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

I always liked it. It's the end of the heat.

But then again, it's different for everyone.