Friday, June 09, 2006

Highway Darwinism

It's been raining for most of today, and it's supposed to continue until tommorrow. This is the first prolonged rainfall we've gotten this summer in the city, so I was pretty thrilled.

Problem is, it'll be another 48 hours before the drivers out there clue in that when it's raining, it's very helpful to have your headlights on, especially when traffic is exceeding 100 kph, and there's a lot of mist being kicked up. Oh, and it also helps when you're jumping lanes like a flea on crack. Makes me wonder some days... although not today. Today, I spent the whole trip home from north Calgary yelling "What the FUCK? Do you WANT TO DIE? Do you WANT TO BE PICKING pieces of a 20 year old car OUT of your FUCKING SKULL? FUCK!"

Yeah, I was pretty pissed on the way home, but as you can see, I made it safe and sound, and have been home, cooling my jets for the last... ohhh, 14 hours.

I'm still pissed.

People shouldn't be allowed to drive.

Scratch that, people shouldn't be allowed to walk, or to leave the house. Especially not if they're going to the mall, and definitely not if they can't hear their left blinker clicking.



D. said...

Right on man.

Some people are very seriously just...not all there when they are driving, and it's kind of scary when you think about it. It's like they've got a licence to to kill other folks.

I yell at idiots sometimes too. You've just got to!

apples said...

Sweetie you need to relax!


You're a heart attack waiting to happen if you countinue like that...