Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Coup de Grace

Well, the more that I think, the worse things seem to get. Short term memory aside, there's quite a few things that have had holes blown in them over the last few days.

Iraq, as usual, is a den of fighting as US led forces continue to clash with "insurgents" (which, by the way, would have now used the WoMD that Bush said was in Iraq by now if they existed... Wait, Bush retracted that claim). I feel sorry for the US soldiers and Iraqi police forces, its like a 24/7 tour of hell over there. On a similar note, I feel sorry for the so-called "insurgents". While they now seem to be the ones initiating most of the fighting, I believe that they would not be attacking the US without a reason. Their side of the story has never been published, released, or even heard, whatsoever. The notion that they are bloodthirsty warmongering haters is little more than shit-faced propaganda in my eyes. These guys are people too, and I'm hoping for their sake that peace in Iraq won't be too far away.

Also on a similar note: The relationships between the insurgents and the abductor/executioners seems to be no relationship at all. Sure, both are fighting against the same enemy, but the approaches are completely different. I dare not go into to deep detail, but I'll just put it simply and plainly. The insurgency is fighting a desperate guerilla war on its home turf, the executioners are more aimed at terrorist tactics. Public beheadings meant to demoralize the enemy and make a statement. The difference is obvious, but whether or not either group is (provably) related to al Qaeda is still yet to be seen.

In the meantime, Iran has once again mauled due justice in court proceedings held there (in secret), and Saudi Arabia continues to commit public execuitions and brutal methods of justice.

Advancement or no, its a sad state of affairs. Are we going forward or back?
Most assuredly back. Reading the newspaper today, in the business section, Oil and Economy were mentioned in the same sentence no less that 76 times. On one page. Are we making any progress on alternative fuels? No. Its not profitable.

I'll be sure to show you're childrens children the same courtesy when I die and they inherit the planet.

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