Friday, July 16, 2004

And somehow, things go on.

Ack, I must be having a nightmare.
If somebody says something nowadays, its almost guaranteed that they'll do the opposite.
Unless of course, they're genuine, and actually mean what they say.
Its seems, the more power people have, the less they can be trusted. You give a President his Commander-in-Chief powers, and suddenly, all the international controls on that kind of power abuse are made null... because hell, what does the world know? Its an internal affair thats screwing the rest of the world like rabbits in a pet shop.
Charge into Iraq to liberate an oppressed people, sure thats all fine and good. Why not stick with that story from the start, rather than falling to it when your previous excuses fail. Hell, if the Prez was honest, he could have just said, "Its because we don't like Saddam", thats alright. People would have bought that, and there wouldn't be all the bullshit.
Along come the Darfur crisis. People are dying and the grand liberator sits there strumming his thumbs. There goes consistency. Osama, Saddam, and Terrorists aren't involved, so why bother?
I'll tell you why. In case you missed it the first time, people ARE dying. Women are getting raped, children massacred, men slaughtered by the mass. Its a humanitarian nightmare, and the fact that the Sudanese government does nothing (and may even be supporting) for the actions taken against their own people only adds to the torment that the region is going through.
What would a UN military intervention do? As much as I respect sovereignty, and national rights, this requires some form of enforcement, something the US army is very good at when driven by something other than profits, sneaky motives, and blatant lies.
No Oil? No Terrorists? No Service?
Lets look at the good things about Iraq.
It taught us that history repeats itself. Vietnam should have been lesson enough, who was the genius who decided to go for round II in the Middle East, of all places?

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