Saturday, May 12, 2007

In a little bit of Time

Things are a bit better this week. The weather is finally co-operating. It's neither too hot nor too cold, but perhaps just a little too bright. I got some good pictures yesterday when a gentleman informed the paper that he had an apricot tree in bloom. Apricot trees are rare in Canada, and not only was his blooming, but it was already targetted by a swarm of bees. It's very likely that there will be fruit on it this year, provided no killing frosts come.

Thoughts of the week are a little less optimistic though. How are people to get anywhere with their lines of thinking? How can one try and handle another when they cannot handle themselves?
Drama Drama Drama.
Which seems to be the catchword of the spring. Being that I'm the Last Single Man in the Known Universe*, it's observation that shows me that many happy couples are anything but. As I've said numerous times before, anyone in a relationship is liable to become a fool. It's easy to behave in one's own capacity, but add another to the mix and it suddenly becomes a ritual dance of telepathy, mistaken intentions, appeasements, and bargains. Even the most altruistic man or woman becomes selfish in a relationship.

I don't know how many times I was told as I was growing up to just "be myself," and everything else will just fall into place. But the reality is this: nobody really wants me to be myself. To date someone, I have to become something they want. I have to be marketable.

I say, eat shit. I'm not putting on my "game," to pick somebody up. I'm not into ruses or make believe. I want to be able to sit around and chat with somebody as I always do, and not have to worry about saying the wrong thing, or looking good, or whatever the fuck it is that women want these days. Quite frankly, I'm well aware of my shopping-list of things that would make me a non-candidate, but all it would take is a little backbone to deal with that.

And it's at this point, I drop in the one-liner: They say future humankind will be jellyfish-like.

Yeah, no shit. We'll be so incapable with dealing with a challenge that just getting out of bed in the morning will be an effort on par with the invasion of Normandy. Nobody wants to work to get anything anymore. They just want destiny served to them on a silver platter.

Well, I've smelled destiny, and it smells a lot like shit.

*This is sarcasm, of course. As is most of this post, for those who'd rather get their pants in a bunch, post a long, screaming rant, and then realize three days later, oh, he's joking.


Tracy said...

I dunno man. I've changed for people before and I say be yourself. Fuck the idea of behaving the way society thinks you should. Any chick worth your time won't go running for the hills when you act like yourself.

KGould said...

alright, my pants are in a bunch after reading that!!!!!!!! haha jk

well i must say that after my spewings in my own blog, i realise that i have often tried to change someone. not overtly realising it i guess, but like thinking in my head 'well, he wont have that temper tantrum with ME, cos im different than those other chicks', etc etc. oh PLEASSSSSE... im guilty as charged, i admit it grudgingly.

it was funny reading this post tonight because the exact words have come out of 'someone i know's' mouth a lot recently, and seeing it again is hopefully cementing it in my head. the word 'drama' has been used a lot too lol. i claim i dont like drama, then create it all by my lone self.. then try to say HE did it,,, well that just makes me feel special, ugh.

so thanks for posting this - maybe ill be able to get something into my head, even if this was at least partially sarcastic ;)

KGould said...

oops, by the way, thats an amazing photo!

Geoff said...

Any chick worth your time won't go running for the hills when you act like yourself.

Debatable. But that's the line between normal and extraordinary.

Kez, we've both been down the road where we've tried to change people. It doesn't work. I think you're at the point where, instead of trying to avoid or deactivate your guy's temper, you should just embrace that as part of the guy.

We've all got our flaws, and instead of trying to hide them (or, in my case, being forced to hide them) or trying to get rid of them, we should embrace them as half of the whole that makes us who we are.

Also, I think both you and I should stop seeing the past in the present. What ever happened then, happened then. You won't let it happen to you again, so don't let yourself worry over things turning out the same way.

As the saying goes, you can only lose your ignorance once. But at the same time, you shouldn't lose your ability to have good faith with it.

Now, if only I could take my own advice and stop seeing people for the sniveling, two-faced cretins that they are...

KGould said...
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