Monday, December 25, 2006

Post Yule Charm

Well, I suppose I should update too. I'm glad Christmas has finally gotten out of the way. There, I said it. After nearly a month and a half of commercialized bullshit leading up to it, I'm glad that the 8-10 hours of Christmas day passed in relative peace. No carolers. No bells. No specials or sales. Just me and the family, and a shitload of food.

Didn't get much in the way of presents this year. Although, in a way, that's okay. I never really know what I want, and what I ended up getting this year is useful to the point that its utilitarian. So, I won't be a useless nub around the house anymore.

In other news, this week I've been pretty much a zombie. Or I was, until I got home. I've been debating some things with myself, like when I should finally get up the gusto and move. But, perhaps the most pressing thing right now is where my relational life is heading.

Edit: It's done.

I don't think I'll be updating again before new years. In fact, depending on how things go this week, I'll probably be spending most of my nights drunk out of my tree. I hate to vouch alcohol as a problem solver, but really, if the shoe fits...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yeah..I really do think you did the right thing.