Sunday, December 03, 2006

A million miles from anywhere

I had a laundry list of things to do today, but I just wasted the whole day either sleeping or daydreaming.

It's been a very productive day for doing nothing, and I'll I've got to show for it is the ramblings of the dreams I've had, of wandering in dark forests, damp with recent rainfall. Of flying like a bird over lands untouched by human hands. And of being all over the world in a blink of an eye.

Fun stuff. I wasn't even drinking last night, and the strangest things happen.

I've also been playing a lot of guitar. Some of it's been recorded. Some of it hasn't. We'll see how much I've accumulated by the end of the weekend.

Until then, take care everybody.


D. said...

that one tune you emailed Trevor and I was seriously cool.

I dig stuff like that. real noisy and raw sounding, but with a definate melody behind it.

Record more. you should upload them somewhere too.

Stephanie said...


To all of that.