Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Narcoleptic Insomnia

I guess my body's still resisting the switch from living at night.

I was making rice today, and decided to sit down on a couch in the living room to wait while it cooked. The next thing I knew, I was laying down, noting how comfy this couch was. The next thing I knew, I was more or less fast asleep, dreaming about being a million miles away, watching the waves come in and out on an unknown coastline.

Next thing I know, I'm sitting on this beach and my watch starts beeping. Still in the dream, I reach to switch it off, and in doing so, snap awake to the wonderful smell of half-charcoaled rice.

I really should try and get some sleep tonight, but working for virtually three weeks in a row has taken a pretty bad toll on me.

In fact, if and when I head to Calgary this weekend, I think Friday night will largely be spent in bed. That, and my car's muffler needs to be fixed. It's quite humorous. It's not as loud from outside the car, but inside, it sounds like I've got one of those gimmicky inverted mufflers. Kind of a pain on the highway, because it's loud enough to drown out my music, and I'm virtually deaf by the time I get to where I'm going.

In other news, Sleemans has failed me. I bought some of their Honey Brown lager on the account it was supposed to be pretty good. But honestly. Who puts honey in beer? I mean, honestly. Gross. Nasty. Putrid.

I have also been cursed by the camera gods. My pictures have sucked this week. Largely because I'm too tired to function properly. So, off to bed I go, hoping for better luck, a cure for strife, and a better lot for those I think of.

Good night.

Edit: Must've been the rum. Thanks Vigilante.


Geoff said...

Like a rock.

Ohhhh, like a rock.

Trevor said...

mmmm burnt rice, i bet that goes good with milk.

Vigilante said...
