Wednesday, March 04, 2009


If you would like a brief, five second prophesy on the future of humankind, here it is.

We're fucked.

Reason being? The gross and overwhelming incapability to A) accept that we're unwilling and unable to learn, and B) deal with our innate desire to avoid responsibility.

Everything's gone downhill and we don't know why, we refuse to learn why, and it's obviously someone else's fault.


Trevor said...

You forgot C.

We have destruction breed into us. Self destruction as race in whole is pretty much inevitable. The only question is When?

Now for a positive note... I got nothing.

D. said...

I blame jesus.

Geoff said...

Destruction is part of who we are simply because its easier than compromise.

Ties in quite nicely with point A, because people are unwilling to learn to compromise, and it is still always somebody else's fault, ergo, we must bomb them back to the stone age.

Plus, the arms industry is good for dollars.

Jesus had nothing to do with it.

Trevor said...

"I blame jesus."

Nah man you got it all wrong, its all the corporate fat cats, and high rollers fault.