Sunday, March 08, 2009

Know People Here

A lot could be said of a person in their most comfortable state, their most natural surroundings. A lot could be said of a person just by looking at those surroundings - a cramped bed, a dirty stove, a candle-lit bathtub.

Even in the worst of times. There are those who are most comfortable in the least comfortable of places. Thrill seekers. People of action. They find the little pockets of purpose between the waves of chaos that routinely and yet unexpectedly ravage the world.

A lot could be said of a person when they're removed from those comfortable places too. Some might shut down. They might throw a tantrum and lose it. Some might become willful and bend the situation to them until it snaps. Some exacerbate the situation with their ineptness at dealing with unfamiliarity.

Some are completely alienated, and never feel a sense of comfort again - the experience so changing that they cannot, or will not, see things the same way ever. In this we are perhaps the most in tune with our nature. We are the hairless chimps put through the crucible time and again. Sometimes we come out better for it - proof to the transcendence of humanity. Sometimes we come out the baser for it - proof that we're still just animals.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Even in the worst of times. There are those who are most comfortable in the least comfortable of places. Thrill seekers. People of action. They find the little pockets of purpose between the waves of chaos that routinely and yet unexpectedly ravage the world.

Somehow I feel I relate to this. Though I would not call myself a thrill seeker, at least not in the most traditional sense. Nor would I call myself a person of action, exactly. So I don't really know how to explain it.

Anyway. Interesting post :)