Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bite Marks

In case you've not noticed yet, I'm not you, nor do I want to be.

It's been a long week. And it's only Tuesday, bordering on Wednesday. Fancy that.
It's been a long week, largely because I've continually been shoved from one pigeon-hole to the next. Like a bad pair of shoes, or perhaps a poorly-advised orphan, I've been filling a lot of roles. I'm a jack-of-all-trades by nature, so I'm alright with that.

What I'm not alright with, however, is expectation. Not since I was a child have I held any high aspirations. I'm content to dabble and dribble and get my fingers into all sorts of pies. But I've never been ambitious, nor skilled, enough to be the master of any particular domain.

So you can imagine my frustration when said masters of their domains are crawling up my ass when I'm not meeting their high expectations. It's old hat, I know. But I feel the need to gripe on this particular evening because it's overly warm, and I'm bored.

I'm up to my eyeballs with people who see everything through themselves. We were constantly taught as kids to explore perspectives. It's not at all hard to imagine now that prejudices are rampant because, like every other lesson we were taught as kids, this one was conveniently discarded.

Drama, drama.

And so. I am not you.

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