Monday, October 18, 2004

The New Pages

Well, as my second attempt at writing fantasy begins winding down (soon to be going into third short story installment soon), I will be beginning a new story in a completely different vein from my normal writing. Normally, the focus of my writing has been on the "magic" aspect of two realities, one being an Elemental base in the "Cycles of Tiris", and the other being the Omni-Verse in the aptly named "Nightmare World" trilogy.

My third attempt will contain a different form of "magic". Instead of it being a major role in the book upcoming, it is my aim to make it a supporter, rather than the main aim. In fact, the main character will have no magical abilities whatsoever.

The magic itself is shadowed compared to the brilliant displays seen in my other two works. The focus will be on small-act Thaumaturgy, such as converting water to wine, or making stones sing by scribing runes on them. However, there will be a powerful underpinned magic in the story. Necromancy will be a prominant factor for the antagonists. Don't get the wrong idea, I hate the undead as much as the next guy, but for the flavor of characters I'm going to be using in this upcoming piece, it will probably be the best past-time when there is no kingdoms to raid or people to kill.

The main character himself will be a mercenary, but much more than that... I don't feel like giving the whole story away just yet.

"Yes Bobo, go find me a graveyard. I have some need of company with a lot of brains but little guts."

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