Sunday, October 24, 2004

Grammar 101

Thunder claps in the distance, and a storm rages somewhere.
Actually, not, it snowed today. The only storm was the blazing rage that my girlfriend experienced today.

I would say that it has to do with an age shock. Grandparents who grew up more than 60 years ago dictating to a 16 year old girl what she should, and should not be doing. News flash from the Second World War: Hitler's dead! Tyranny is out of style!

Anyway, on to today's grammar lesson. It has to do with a four letter word that you are all very familiar with, and I thought I would go over some of its uses.

The word, is fuck.

I guess I should have put a parental warning on that. Oh well, if your offended by this word, go cry to mommy's skirt. This isn't a kiddy blog anyway.

So anyhow, fuck is an amazing word. It can be a noun, a verb, or an adjective. It is equally dexterous in all three contexts; observe:

A noun.
"Say hello to the fucker."
The subject of the sentence is "fucker".

A verb.
"You can go and fuck your verbs."
Fuck, is the action in this sentence.

An adjective.
" Who the fuck is the fucking dahooey?"
Ahh, tricky Raine, very tricky. The describing word is "fucking".

And when you master all three uses, you will find you can compose nearly entire sentences with this word:

"Well? Go fuck the fucking fuckers!"

It loses some of its impact and meaning through repeated and voracious use. A word of caution, some people are not cultured enough to make use of this amazing word. Do not be surprised if they are offended by its use.

(This lesson has been a joke. If you are offended... well, thats what this lesson is for)

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