Monday, October 11, 2004

In the Dark

Have you made your opinion clear today?
Have you made sure everyone knows what you think?

Just checking, you see, so many people are obsessed with what they think, or what they believe, that they forget to actually stop and think about what they are talking about. Sure, its easy to spout support for President Bush, or to declare with righteous conviction that Jesus is the Lord, but have you stopped to think about why you support Bush, or what brought you to the white steps of Chrisitianity? Is it what your parents told you was right? Do you follow because it makes you feel good? Do you need that kind of support?

Do you need that kind of crutch? Being aware of what makes you tick is something everyone should do. If you know why you do something, than you can justify it, or at the very least, understand it. If you follow Jesus Christ because you think it is the truth and that it is right, more power to you, but mind being kept in the Dark.

The Dark? Whats that mon Padre?

The Dark, is someplace everyone goes at some time in their lives. Its when you stop caring about the "why", and you just had the reigns over to someone else. Freefall would be an appropriate term, and its not all bad, but lets just go over what some of the symptoms and side effects of the Dark are:

1) You just don't care anymore. If some kids are getting blasted by rockets over in Iraq, that's their problem. All you care about is the here and now. You can't be bothered with the plight of others.
2) You follow. You let others make the decision making. Whether its your friends, your President, your Prime Minister, your Pope, whatever, you let them do all the thinking and acting, so if something goes wrong, they will be accountable, not you. (Don't mistake following with suggestion. Listening to your friends is good, but keep in mind that your actions are your own).
3) You blame everyone but yourself. You didn't know, its not your fault. You don't care to read the writing on the wall, so you just let bad stuff happen, and then you blame everyone but yourself, because gee whiz, ignorance is bliss, isn't it?
4) You want. Rather than looking for what you need, you strive for higher and higher levels of comfort, all the while becoming more and more miserable and not being able to achieve the highest level of happiness (pursuing physical wealth over emotional wealth just takes you down the pole, not up). Eventually, you consume everything around you, and for your enormous consumption, there is nothing left for anyone else... yeah, even those that need it more than you.
5) You act. Rather than making a difference, you posture and play the drama.

If this describes you, look in the mirror pronto. Say your full name 5 times, and if all the crap doesn't rinse out immediately, you may be facing a lifetime of mindless self-serviance (hey, that can be good too, but just don't look me up for company any time soon... I might have to rasp on you).

If you feel like handing over the reigns and just vegitating for a month or so, stay connected with the ones you trust, like a loved one, or a best friend. Have a lifeline. It might be all that keeps you from losing a life worth living.

Focus on yourself, and your role in life.

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