Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Big Bum Theory

Now, for today's latest bit of hypocracy. How the theological right-wingers can call Kerry pro-murder, when they simultaneously prop a government responsible for the death of over 16,000 Iraqis (thats the citizens, not insurgents).

I don't care whether you're Democratic or Republican, you're Pro-Murder either way. So, now comes the choice: Do you slay an unborn child, of which you know nothing about? Or do you slay thy worldly neighbor, whom you know nothing about?

Dead is dead.

Try getting a PR person to explain that to a foaming, ravenous hoard of rabid partisan supporters.

Will the people recognize that no matter what party you vote for, death will be a constant? No. Fight for the ideal, not the interpretation of it... That's what Stalin did, and look what it got him. Longest term as a national ruler, and unrivaled power on the world stage.

Stick that in the pipe of ignorance, and smoke it.

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