Thursday, September 23, 2004

Sad State

I went through John Kerry's speech today, and I feel that its only fair to say that it's 99% true.

However, I won't put my golden wings on Kerry.

Kerry, for all his understanding as to why Bush was, and still is, a failure, still clings to the notion that the United States will win the War on Terror, and not only that, but Kerry believes that strong alliances like NATO are a stronger force for democracy than international democratic organizations like the United Nations.

In other news, Koffi Annan has stated that the international rule of law has deteriorated, and if world peace and order is to have any chance, all nations must learn to grow and live peacefully and with justice. However, such an idyll is not likely, as, much like the one rotten school child, the US's invasion caused a cascade effect, and now all the little bastards want to play big.

Its like a allegory of whats happening in today's classrooms. One kid goes bad, and they all follow.

How do you retain order? Well, it used to involve a stiff leather strap and a lot of tears, but now it involves asinine homework and a verbal lashing. Neither of which is very effective, hence why there is a sudden flood of f**king assholes in the world. Not only do these people lack self-discipline and common courtesy, but they also have the gall to procreate and continue the trend.

I almost don't want to have kids, as I had a difficult time dealing with peers who were little more than dill-holes for stuffing cigs and booze. It will be 10x worse for the next generation, and it makes me wonder. Fear, and wonder.

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