Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Is it the end?

Well, with the US national election coming up soon (the Republican Convention was this week), the world is torn between the terror of a four years that should have never happened, and the uncertainty of a future that could be just as bad, or even worse than, the last four years.

That coupled with the fact that Iraq has seen the first relative peace in a few weeks could be either a good or ill omen. The fighting around Najaf ended with the intervention of the holiest of Shiite Holy men. His name eludes me right at the moment, but I know he was very holy indeed. I also know that he had no links to the CIA and the USA, unlike Mr. Allawi. Whether or not you can swallow the lies fed to you by the current US government and its loyal media lapdogs, one thing still remains clear. The US presence in Iraq still falls under "occupation", and the North American business practices there are clearly labelled "exploitive". You still think the Iraq war wasn't about oil? Why then did oil prices skyrocket with al'Sadr's forces threatened Iraq's oil exports? Why is it now shameless to allow companies like Halliburton to begin exporting Iraqi oil, without giving any of the profits back to Iraq?

Attack me if you will, it shows you're out of reasonable options.

I won't say Canada is perfect. We have our own illegal occupation to deal with right now. That of Haiti, the troubled place that was a momentary radar blip on the corporate media. While Aristide was there, he asked for just a few hundred peace-keepers to help him restore order. Canada refused. When Aristide left, a peace-keeping force was sent in, including over 500 Canadians. They are still there. Why, might I ask? I'm sure their orders are to maintain order in the conflict stricken nation... but there is more up in the higher states.


Just ask Denis. I'm sure he'd know something.

Or is he a mindless clown, just like the rest of us?

I could take very literal the meaning when people tell me to act my age. In reality, they are telling me to act more like them, which would mean I'd have to act about 2 years old with the cognition and ambition of a megalomaniac.

Signing out.

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