Thursday, January 29, 2009

The solution to this problem is to make more problems

And that concludes our fiction hour.

In other, un-cigarette related news, fuck this shit. Economic downturn isn't even a valid descriptor. My dad's getting laid off at the end of February, along with most of his team. He saw the writing on the wall back in November, so he's already got two possibilities lined up, but seriously. If an international engineering firm can't find work, what hope is there for the little guys?

Even my old paper has cut two of its oldest (and also most important) staff. Of course, given how the old company works, I'm not surprised that they'd start cutting the hearts out of their most productive papers before cutting the deadwood in their loss-producing ones. That's the way this idiocy goes.

On a related tangent, I had heard that Chrysler used some of their taxpayer-given bailout money to run a hundred-thousand dollar series of ads in some American newspapers, thanking the taxpayers for funding their bailout. The response, as you can well imagine, was more than vitriolic. One would hope that, if we're forced to fund your miserable excuse for an empire, the least you could do is build cars with that shit, rather than rub our faces in the fact.

My discomfiture is only further enhanced because I own a Jeep, and I know exactly how much thought and engineering they put into that particular vehicle.

On yet another completely unrelated tangent, this time of year is always lame for new video-games. It's always the last holdups from the Christmas rush, and it just never feels like anyone's got something worth buying.

ps. I never really thought I'd say it, but God damn do I hate some of the games on the Wii. The wiimote is a novel controller, but anyone who's ever tried to play Smash Bros. Brawl with it knows that that shit ain't good for anything. Give me an old Gamecube controller, kthxbye.


D. said...

I have flashbacks to your comments while watching you play Metroid Prime 3 at Tracy's that one time.

man you were mad!

The wii remote is awesome for a lot of games. Often it just takes practice, but is usually worth it.

I seriously cannot go back and play the old Prime games now, for instance.

But for games like Smash Bros. fuck yeah, just give me a GameCube controller, or the classic controller.

Geoff said...

Yeah, I remember Metroid. I was just getting frustrated because it was telling me what to do, so I was doing it. But then the game didn't respond in time, and punished me for it like it was somehow my fault that it wasn't responding to my commands.

And then I figured out that you could just go Phazon mode and end the whole battle right there.

Boy was my face red.