Sunday, August 01, 2004

Petit Grandois

Its always pained me to think that I'm some kind of freaky asshole magnet, that somehow, my quiet demeanor and strong ideals always attracts the brash, stupid, and abrasive in society. I know now, that I'm wrong. It has nothing to do with me being a magnet, and more to do with the sheer numbers of fucktards walking the planet. Or should I say, North America. I doubt that in Kenya, a stranger would cuss and elbow you in the ribs simply for being there.

I'm surprised that North American culture has gotten as far as it has, Its like we've been raising a culture of ignorant assholes who, as Matt put in one of his songs, "take what we wanna." I feel like an asshole myself for not being able to do anything about it, as acting could cost me any of the following things:

1) My health
2) My safety
3) The safety of those I love
4) My job
5) The reputation of my place of employ
6) My status as a law abiding citizen

See, the way things work, I just have to grin and bear it.

However, I can only grin for so long before my teeth start to grind. I can only fray so much before the threads get bare. I can only stay silent for so an so long.

Ladies and gentlemen, regardless of consequences, you are living in a culture of assholes. Your obsession with money and power has stripped you of that which makes you human. YOU have opened the rift between yourself and the world, and only YOU can build the bridge back. If I call to you from across the rift, do not take offence at the noise.

It's just an insecure young man calling to anyone who will listen.

"What's wrong with you?"

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