Friday, August 06, 2004

I think he's the Fodder

If I could find myself the time to laugh during the day, I would, and at such idioventions as those made by the current US president, Mr. Bush, and those of the common bigot.

Mr. Bush is planning on "protecting" the American society from the blight of same-sex marriage. This much we have known ever since the Republicans aligned themselves with the Ultracon wing of Christianity, religious bigots, and Neocons everywhere. Ever since the Senate shot down the amendment Bush proposed, he has become that much more adamant to make it so.

What I don't get, is what exactly he is protecting. How can gay marriage negatively impact a free society? I see no harm in letting same-sex couples marry. If you want something that is a threat to society, an internation revocation of Driver's Liscences would be in order, 9/10 drivers forget what exactly they are driving, and are completely oblivious to the hazards they cause.

Also, lets not forget the irrepairable damage that Mr. Bush has done to the US culture as it is. Ladies and Gentlemen of the US of A, your nation is the most hated nation on the face of the world. You can brag that you care not a whit about how other people view your nation, and with the biggest boom-stick army in the world, you can back that position up. But just remember, if Bush's reckless foreign policy continues, as well as his sodomy of the civil rights in America, the USA will be less a free country, and more a hostage-taker.

The hostage being the rest of the world.

Also, your rights are being squelched. The Patriot Act, designed to protect you, is actually more of a threat to you than any terrorists (fictual or otherwise) ever could be.

The Patriot Act also applies to non-American peoples, perhaps only stopping over for a short break before returning home (Mr. Arar for example, had a nightmare that lasted a year when he was illegally deported by US authorities to Syria where he was tortured).

Keep in mind, these are dark times.

Dark times indeed.

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