Saturday, May 29, 2010


He probably represented humanity, in hindsight. He even said as much.

It was preternaturally dark, and when I asked him if he was afraid, he replied "Why would I? T'is only the dark."

And he was at home in the dark, and with all the things that dwelt there. Great terrors reached out to grab at us, but when they felt him near, they recoiled, for even the great Evils of the Dark feared his touch and his passing.

And then Dawn came, and light pooled down upon us, dewy and fresh. When I asked him if he was sickened, he replied "Why would I? T'is only dawn's first light."

And he drank it like a mead, and was heartened. And all of the Light's creatures withdrew from his gaze, so great was his hunger, his thirst. All of Nature hid from him, and grew to be wary of his passing, for he was a great predator that was always hunting.

When I asked what manner of creature he was, that feared neither dark nor light. That held and beheld fire and was not afraid, and knew and contested of Good and Evil, and he replied:

"I am Man. I am all these things, and more."

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