Wednesday, December 02, 2009


The world's full of people who think they know something... if not everything.

Everyone's got a dime's worth advise, and they'll give it without your asking for it. It's as though everyone, regardless of life or background, could be thrust into a situation they know nothing about, and still have an answer.

On the flip side, intelligence breeds isolation. That... for that fundamental experience, it separates you. Makes you special. Unique, even. Such is never the case.
Humanity was built on the notions of an ever-growing empathy. We share what we feel just as we share what we know. It's silly to think that the only ones who should express outrage at something are the ones directly wronged by it. It's nonsense, not to mention, bad for the species.

If, for example, we were told not be be angry about a genocide, simply because it was not our people being killed, would that not be preposterous?

It depends on the person asking, I guess.

For many people, it wouldn't be. They're not my problem.

I think about this too much, and I continually run into contradictions. People want sympathy, but they don't want to be pitied. They want feeling, but are apathetic. They want others to be more intelligent, while shirking understanding. War for peace. Angry love.

People wonder why I sleep all day, and then sit all night like I am now, staring into the glowing monitor. This is, by and large, my rose-coloured filter. Going out into the world, I've only ever found one constant in people.

Selfish, apathetic cruelty.

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