Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sodden feet, muddy sweets

Tiny pools of inspiration run dry. Oh well, life goes on.

Christmas came and went, literally in a blink. After working retail for years, you quickly grow to rue the Christmas season, because whilst most enjoy a day or two of Christmas, the season is for us a month-and-a-half long trial by fire, followed by a brutally ruthless coup-de-grace on Boxing Day. Those who don't pass muster are crushed by the tidal forces of commercialism. Ah, but I gripe for nothing.

I was gifted much this holiday, most of which I didn't actually expect to get. One of which I'm staring at right now. I got a new monitor, a 20" wide-screen, which I'm now happily typing away this entry on. It's still strange seeing everything crammed off on the left side of the screen, but it's already made many games much easier.

I also got an e-bow as well, which I've been testing tentatively over the last few days. I think I'll be rigging up Trevor's adapter to recorder a few bits, because the sound is surreal, in a very, very good way.

I got a few other odds and ends, but really, I think the best gift was just having a day off and getting to catch up with a lot of my family. Though all isn't swell. My cousin is still recovering in hospital after having a surprise encounter with an autoimmune condition. She should be mid-way through steroid therapy as I write this, the process of which still makes my skin crawl. I'm hoping the treatment works. The cause of the condition is unknown, but I have my own theories, which I'll not discuss in detail here. Needless to say, there must be some sense in how you protect your children from illness and allergens. Killing with kindness? It's second only to killing with blatant ignorance.

Anyway, I'm off track. After Christmas, we ended up getting a new HD television and a whole bunch of new console games to go with my Xbox. The one and only redeeming feature for boxing week is the awesome shit one can acquire on the cheap.

I was going to write more, but I've completely forgotten what it was. I guess I'll find that thought later. 'Til then.

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