Thursday, July 02, 2009

We all get around it eventually

So I guess today... yesterday, was Canada Day. Given that most of my non-work days start when I wake up at about two in the afternoon, this is still "today," for me.

I was tempted to write something about Canada, and how much I love it despite the vindictive slugs and the two-faced politicians, but I think that goes without saying. Nowhere is perfect. Our problems are just a lot more... passive aggressive.

Lately, I've just been staying inside a lot. For some reason, my allergies are a lot worse this year than any year prior. Every time I go outside, I'm basically crippled to the point of not being able to breathe. Typical antihistamines seem to be doing little to nothing, so I'm curious if it's not some other, underlying issue that I've missed.

I'd like to visit a doctor, but given how the provincial government has managed to dig itself into such a hole that they deem it necessary to de-list almost every non-essential medical service is just a little off-putting. I mean, I haven't seen a chiropractor in over a year, and now I don't think I'm going to at all. Sixty dollars a visit for four visits is basically my entire month's paycheque, and given how work's slowed down, I think I'm kind of fucked for all my old creature comforts.

Yep. It'll be alpo dinners and cardboard boxes before too long.

I've continued working on my story as well. It's... interesting to work on, to say the least. The main problem I'm having is maintaining a tight hold on reality, when the main character himself is unable to. The mind is a terrible thing to grasp, but that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make the unbelievable, believable. And I don't think I'm going to be able to do it. I'll probably have to compromise somewhere and it's going to fuck the whole thing up, and...

Well, honestly, I wasn't anticipating writing a whole paragraph about it, but there it is. I'm staring at this thing as if it was the child of a woman I didn't know, and she said it was mine.

Speaking of women, I'm pretty sure the same stuff I'm allergic to causes mild insanity in them. Really. I've got no idea.


Trevor said...

I had to work Canada day, which isn't bad because i don't really get into the celebration, i like the fireworks and such, but that's pretty much it, if i didn't work id probably just be sitting here zoning out in front this computer all day.

Don't you have any benefits through work? That pay for said medical visits? I used to go the chiropractor a couple times a month and i didn't pay nothing, then again that was before when we still paid for health care.

Stephanie said...

What's going on with your guys' health care up there?

Geoff said...

Trevor - I get limited coverage through work, which I haven't actually applied for yet because it's basically a mandatory pay cut that becomes quite substantial when combined with dental, which I did apply for. It's a tough choice, having a small discount off medical expenses, or having just that much more money in my pocket.

Stephanie - In Alberta, the motto for health care is "It Doesn't Cover Everything." In light of the economy, the government has decided to stop subsidizing some non-essential services.

D. said...

chiropractors are hacks anyway.

Come over here and I'll punch you in the spine. That will fix everything.