Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well, it was an adventure for the month of June.

I was going to sit down last night and write something about it, but I ended up just drinking myself into a stupor instead. No idea why, other than it was good to be back home.

What I will say, is that it was great to see the guys (and Tracy and co.) again. It's still blowing my mind that Tracy and Trevor are going to have two dogs, two cats, and soon, three kids to contend with. Good luck guys. And I mean that with a wink and a smile.

Trevor and I decided to put our guitars together for about an hour or so one night. The result was some good noises, and the fact that my SuperFuzz pedal actually sounds better with Trevor than it does with me. So I lent it to him (and now fully expect some recordings). As he said, FACES WILL BE SHREDDED. Gently. And with great skill.

Trevor, Dan, and I, went to see Drag me to Hell. It was... kind of a weird movie. Definitely a keystone Raimi brothers production, with equal portions of horror, awkwardness, and hilarity mixed in. There were many parts through the movie where everyone in the theater began licking their teeth and smacking their lips. I'll let you reckon from that what you will.

On one hand, I disliked Drag me to Hell because there were some moments that made me uncomfortable on a level that I don't think the movie intended. On the other, the movie was a perfect moral story, and showed how fucking up once can lead to a whole chain of events that pretty much cements the deal.

And that's about all I can say about it without spoiling the whole damn show.
Everyone I've talked to keeps asking me if it's like Evil Dead or Army of Darkness or if it's more horror or comedy. Fuck. I don't know. Or care.
Anyone who wants to know should just go and see it for themselves, and stop beggaring me to describe every detail of a movie that they're on the fence about.


A movie might be disappointing? Never.

Anyway. There was a bunch else that I was going to write about. But I'm not going to. Either because it's redundant, or because it's much better left in my head.


D. said...


People ask me if it was like Evil Dead and all I can really say is that you can tell it is made by the same people. Very much so.

The movie surprised me because Sam Raimi ruined himself by making shitty Spider man films and I didn't expect much at all.

It was really a good return to the old days in that aspect.

I did enjoy it a lot because it was ridiculous and scary and a bit of everything.

I feel your frustrations about people on the fence about going to see films. It's a fucking hour and a half and 10 bucks, there isn't much to lose either way.

But, I can find enjoyment in pretty much any film, so what do I know.

Trevor said...

shite man, you need to come up here more often and maybe stay with us for a week or something, get that Beat Lab rocking!!! and record the outcome.

i bet it would be pretty damn intense.

It was great seeing you, im going to try like hell to organize a camp trip or something out in your neck of the woods towards the end of the summer.