Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A miracle tube that offers no miracles

Sanity and hope seem to be mutually exclusive concepts these days.

I can't walk five steps without stepping in something, and I'm seriously questioning my own wellbeing some days when I get up and think to myself "I wonder what's going to happen today?"

The answer is, of course, nothing good.

I look out my window and see one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, on the verge of being completely paralyzed. Because... because people won't learn. Can't learn. I don't think the distinction is important. The image in my head is practically an evolutionary movie, showing the noisy little cockmonglers I grew up with, dicking around in class when they should've been paying attention. They grew into dumbass teens who couldn't get their cocks in order long enough to figure out where they're going.

And now they're confused young adults who're completely useless. Saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of debt, wracked up on credit cards and students loans pursuing degrees in drama and dumbfuckery. They can't figure a computer to save their lives, and believe it's all some conspiracy by a bunch of ivory-tower eggheads who've had it in for them since the start.

The future starts tomorrow, and I'm shocked that so few are ready for it. I'm shocked that I'm going to be saddled with all of this going into what's supposed to be the most pivotal years of my life. Cynical doesn't describe it. Misanthropy incites thoughts of a people-hater. But it's a much more sublime kind of irritation.

It's a thought that if I run away from these people fast enough, maybe, just maybe, I'm going to make it. It's a thought that I've prepared myself for practically anything, and unless I'm voted official bitch to the greater masses, that's all that matters. Everyone else can go get righteously fucked.

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