Monday, September 17, 2007



It appears that I may not be going to Vulcan after all. Which is just fine in my books. It leaves me a lot more freedom for moving around on weekends and whathaveyou.

I've been sick a lot lately too. I don't doubt that it has something to do with the house I'm living in right now. You just don't have leaky ceilings and then expect no mould or other foreign gross shit to start growing up there. It's pretty much chronic lungsville for me. Whenever I get a weekend off, I go home and the first thing that happens is my lungs go through a purge cycle. Not pleasant, but really, what can you do?

Anyway. I guess the pace quickens with WoW. I made the hike from Aldrassil all the way to Goldshire with my neglected level 5 Druid, who will from this point on be affectionately known as Scuzzy McHoebag. Seriously, I think Tracy was jealous or something.

Although... it was kind of awkward when Trevor started checking my avatar out. You alright man?

Edit: No sooner did I write this, than I got a phonecall from Vulcan. Oh boy.


Tracy said...

not jealous lol just amused! PS what did vulcan have to say?

Geoff said...

They had to say...

interview on Sunday. But I really don't see it going anywhere if they just offer me the lesser spot.