Monday, August 20, 2007

Put the Chairs Away

It's been a long week.

I won't get too much into the details, as they're long and boring, and it's no mystery that few care. Needless to say, I'm exhausted, and very much looking forward to a little bit of rest and recouperation, hopefully on Tuesday evening, if the posse is still assembled for our outing.

August has been a veritable disaster on all accounts. Recent developments are spurring me to likely move on job-wise sooner rather than later. I'm still planning on wrapping up one year, but I'm running out of reasons to stick around in this neck of the woods.

In any event, I'll be looking forward to the end of the month. It seems the hallmark of the month has been contempt, which I will be all too happy to bury with the rest of the shit from 2007 when the time comes. I can't even pretend to act shocked about it anymore. In some cases, it's as if an notion of decency or respect is only a thin varnish applied over a dense layer of malice and vileness, and one need only gently rub to be overwhelmed with hatred.

It's really quite foreign to me... having lived out here for nearly a year, it's given me a few new perspectives, but one that will remain with me for a long time is probably one of the most disturbing things I've yet seen in my life. Most of the general folk are just generally pissed off. And when they're not, they're looking for a reason to be. Being in the position I'm in, it's a convenient target to lash out at, and I've become all too familiar with the thin excuses people come up with to justify their righteous fury.

One needn't do anything to incur wrath, aside from existing and breathing, and occassionally uttering words.

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