Saturday, June 09, 2007

Reality as my Paintbrush

I've taken a liking to qualitatively destroying my old work photos, and making dark and disturbing images out of them. This one is particularly eerie, as the horse seems to have lost his eye to the hellish blur. The fact that everything seems so "real" only adds to the disconcerting alterations I've made to the faces, and several other key points that the eye regularly travels over.

Expect to see more of these in the future. I'm hoping to hone the effects to the point that at first glance, the photo seems normal, until you actually get up close and then - *insert horrified reaction here* - IT'S NOT!

Ba ba baaaah.

Yeah, I'm just having fun now.


Stephanie said...

ha..I really like that photo!

D. said...

I approve of said disturbing effects and hope to see more of them.