Friday, February 18, 2011


So, Dead Space 2.
Superior in every way to the original, up until (what I assume) is the final boss.

What a fucking cop-out. I just ran like fuck, blew all my ammo to survive, and now you're going to pit me in a battle of attrition? I just killed enough fucking space zombies to fill this station three times over, but nooo. It's now a battle of wits, and all I have are guns!

If rage was a weapon, the battle would be over already.


Trevor said...

haha i thought that was kind of meh as well. Although if you let Nicole get you, you get to watch a pretty disturbing suicide scene.

Still though those fucking asteroids from the first game are possibly them most challenging thing from the series thus far.

D. said...

I liked the fact that it was pure hell to get there and then a relatively simple and straight forward final fight.


I don't know. It felt right considering the entire game never really had any boss battles.

Geoff said...

Well, it would've been a straightforward fight. Except I didn't have the right guns.

Nothing I had did more than about 20 damage a shot, and I guess if you expect to beat the final boss with low ammo, you're supposed to have at least one bruiser, a contact beam or javelin gun, or even a seeker rifle (which I used on my second attempt, to great effect).

The irksome part is just the fact that you NEED to have the right guns for the final encounter. But there's nothing to indicate what the right weapon should be.

D. said...

Do you need the right guns?

shit, son, pretty sure I plowed through that with only a (fully upgraded) refurbished plasma cutter (which everyone should have on them at ALL times since it is the best weapon ever invented)

I dunno.

Maybe I'm wrong. Plasma rifle is always on me at all times, too. Pretty certain I ran out of Javelins long before then though.

I certainly would be frustrated if I arrived there with limited ammo, though. The shit before it is pretty much there to make you waste it all, but I stocked up real good.

Also the little dudes during the fight dropped plenty to keep me going.

I dunno. Never had any issues!