Monday, October 12, 2009


I'm not even sure how to go about this, so I suppose I'll just let the fingers do the talking here and stop thinking it over so much.

I picked up Vancouver the other day, and have been listening to it over and over for a couple of days now. My first impression was two-fold. The first I had (and this is brutal honesty incoming. If you're a sycophant or easily annoyed, skip to part two), was that this CD probably has the weakest choice for first songs of any Matthew Good CD I've ever purchased.

I still consistently, to this day, skip tracks one to three to get to tracks four and five, which brings me to my second impression.

Us is Impossible and On Nights Like Tonight are perhaps two of Matt's two most powerful songs that I've listened to in a long while.

All in all, for the remainder of the album, I think I've gotten more than my money's worth, so it's been a good buy.

On another unrelated note, I blinked and August disappeared. It's now mid October and my birthday's coming up. I hope the rest of my life isn't like this, because that was a lot of time that just disappeared and slid on by.


Trevor said...

I dunno man, when i first heard "Last Parade" it sent shivers down my spine.

I think that is one of his best songs.

Like you i seem to gravitate towards, "Us remains impossible".

Still the Album is solid, I love it! Especially "Silent Army in the Trees" Possibly my favorite song off Vancouver.

D. said...

Weird. I think "us remains impossible" is my least favouite song on the album. easily.

Volcanoes is my number one choice and it alone would make it worth purchasing. "Fought to fight it" is also great.

Then you've got other good shit to round it off.

Geoff said...

Silent Army, I think, sounded better when he was still just putting it together. He played it a few times in a nascent state during his last tour.

Dunno what happened, it just seems to have lost its punch for me.

Fought to fight it is pretty good as well.