Monday, September 08, 2008

We shine brightly, or not at all

I had a dream last night.

I wanted a hair cut, but nobody in town would do it. Everyone either didn't pick up their phone, or if it was a walk-in, I'd walk in and sit down, and they'd just stand there chewing gum and gossiping, practically ignoring me.

After a while, I just cut my own hair. It looked like shit, but I promised myself that I'd learn to do it better, since the whole world had gone to shit and everyone had become so apathetic that even when paid to work, they'd just sit around.

On waking up, I realized it was sad for two reason. One, under no circumstances would I cut my own hair, even up to and including the zombie apocalypse. And two, it was uncannily like real life, where every damn barber shop this side of the city has damn near closed its doors for the level of service they're giving. I mean, I even tip well, and it's still not enough for them to give a flying fuck.

Oh well. I'm fast learning to deal with the collapse of the service sector. I'm not afraid of doing things myself, and I'm not at all bothered by the sudden lack of professionalism in paid... professionals? Can they even be called that anymore?

Anyway. So, long story short. I woke up this morning in a lurch, and then reminded myself that I'm not a useless clod. In the event that everyone just fucks off and I'm left with kilometres of empty streets and blinking lights, I'll be alright.

Hell, I've been waiting for just such a day to bust out the camera.


D. said...

I would so cut my own hair. Simply because i don't, and never have given a shit about the state of it.

in reality, even after the zombie apocalypse I'd probably just not cut it at all, though.

Anonymous said...

Like in Pulp Fiction when they are explaining how to tip someone, it is almost like it is mandatory to tip someone when really if a person does not give the optimal service then fuck that. Honestly, people need to learn to do their jobs better, I expect that.

I hate zombies.