Saturday, August 23, 2008

I don't know

Well, this is my 666'th post. Don't know if anyone who reads this is superstitious, or more importantly, if anyone even reads this anymore.

I don't know if I'll be playing much WoW anymore. Of my handful of characters, all are dead - killed while minding my own business by level 70's who must've gotten bored with arenas and such.

As well, I've beaten Braid, GTA4, Mass Effect... and pretty much every other game in my possession.

So I think it's time for a hiatus from games, as there looks to be nothing good coming in the short term, and by the by, I think most of the people I play with or against online would be better served gouging their eyes out with pudding spoons.

But that's just me.

I would like to spend more time taking photos and printing them, but I've fast run out of material to photograph, and besides. It all seems so boring anyway.

All of it does. It just feels like my record's on repeat right now. My only saving grace is this: thank God nobody's listening.


Tracy said...

I'm listening...for all the difference that makes ;) More photos would be you have an online photo site you upload to?

Geoff said...

No, because the only site that preserves full-resolution is Flickr, and the bitches charge money for premium accounts.

So I just post a few here, keep a few there.

Speaking of a few, I don't actually keep any pictures on my new computer, which explains why I haven't put up any photos. They're on my other computer, which I'm loathe to boot up.

E said...

Oh we're listening. :)