Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Oh those cheeky lads

I suppose I'm a little late in posting this, but in all honesty, none of this is even newsworthy anymore anyway.

I guess I'll say it right here. The pictures I shot didn't really turn out for one reason or another. Well, actually, I'm being polite. I had a lot of decent shots. But they were all marred by some fucking ham-brained idiot that couldn't keep herself in the seated position, about ten feet in front of us. All of my good pictures have a huge, blurry, crassly shaven head right in the middle that utterly ruins it. So thanks to you, random stranger. I sincerely hope that you had a bad case of hemorrhoids that kept you from sitting, or at least standing out of the way.

Otherwise, it was good to see the gang again, however brief the visit may have been. It is unfortunate that the camping side of things didn't work out. I wasn't really too keen on packing everything up, trucking it two hours out of the city, and then turning around and hauling back into the city for the show. The cost of gas is... prohibitive for such endeavors, hence why I was hoping to hit the road after the Mogwai concert. That way, I wouldn't be driving around in circles, burning all my gas and thus my money, which would be better spent on things like food and beer.

But anyway.

Humorous aside, we were standing for a while, waiting for the band, when some random chick just sidles up beside Dan and starts lighting up a cigarette. Took her about 15 seconds to realize - oh hey, I don't know these people. It was pretty funny. Slightly awkward, but still pretty funny.

Also, speaking of bands, when we got there, it was another London band up to play, not Mogwai as the original itinerary stated. I guess these guys went by the name of Wire, and Dan was mentioning they're pretty big overseas. I can't imagine how though. Listening to them, I'm given great (if perhaps false) hope that I might one day be able to make it big as a musician. If a band of three guitars can belt out the same three ill-tuned chords, over and over, with minute variations between songs, while simultaneously yelling unintelligibly into a microphone (and no, it wasn't just the accent), and still be considered anything even remotely reminiscent of music, then the horizon is indeed very bright, the water-mark, very very low.

Perhaps its not their fault. They are delivering a product, however unpalatable to me, and it is being consumed by... err... consumers.

But anyway. Mogwai was fucking awesome. And that's about all that needs to be said on the topic. We were sitting probably 20-30 feet from the stage, and I was still deaf by night's end.

And there you have it folks. A chop-bit synopsis of the Debacle of Awesomeness '08.


Trevor said...

Wire was awesome... they are my new favorite band.... hopefully your bullshit detector is going off the chart. haha

Stephanie said...

Thank you for being my enabler ;)


Great shot of the band.

D. said...

That girl scared me a bit, but I just politely smiled before she finally realized I was a complete stranger.

anyway it was a good time despite the bugs and Wire sucking massive cock.

The entire area was actually cooler/nicer than I expected, it was actually not bad just sitting there.